Category Archives: Cellulite Treatments

The EndoSystems Complete Guide to Understanding and Treating Cellulite

Cellulite skin and Body Circulation

Before you find begin looking into treating cellulite, you first need to understand what cellulite is. Cellulite is the fat pushed towards the connective tissues under your skin. It makes your skin look lumpy and dimpled. It usually occurs on your buttocks and thighs, but is some cases, on other parts of your body too. In this guide, our endermologie®… (Read more)

How to Avoid the Thanksgiving Weight Gain

With the holidays fast approaching, you're likely looking forward to spending some quality time with the family. Gathering around the table and enjoying a massive feast is a time-honored tradition that warms your heart as much as it warms your belly... or rather—in the case of November—fills your belly with Thanksgiving weight! Before you reach for that second helping of… (Read more)

Top Celebrities Share Their Body Image Experiences

During the days when movie studios controlled every aspect of an actress’s life, celebrities rarely, if ever, spoke candidly about their lifestyles, diets, or exercise and beauty regimens beyond what was approved (and usually filmed) by the studio. Any type of plastic surgery or even non-invasive treatments beyond the occasional product or business endorsement were not only well-hidden, but forbidden… (Read more)

endermologie® FAQ’s: Know the Answers to These Frequently Asked Questions

As endermologie® treatments become more popular with women (and men) of all ages, it’s natural for potential or first-time clients to have questions. Marketing your endermologie services will provide answers to some questions, but it’s vital to be prepared when speaking to people who are interested in exploring this successful, non-invasive cellulite treatment. (more…) (Read more)

Cryotherapy vs. endermologie®: What’s the Difference?

With the development of new technologies, there are the inevitable “breakthrough” devices and procedures – both invasive and non-invasive – that all claim to provide the best cellulite treatment. Although harmless health-wise, cellulite has been considered unsightly and unacceptable by multiple generations of women around the world. (more…) (Read more)