Lin Sawtelle

Feb 11 2014 11:22 AM Location : Reston VA We just purchased 2 CelluM6 Integral in January-- the latest endermologie® machines have brought us a lot of excitement. Robert and Tristan were very nice. They patiently and professionally explained to us the differences between the Keymodule and the Integral technical side. Gretchen is always the expert of endermologie® treatments, her expertise and health wellness knowledge led us through the training in treatment protocols as always. We always knew we would eventually upgrade the machines because we want to be the best, but they are the best team! Do you remember when there was no place for us, the endermologie® practitioner, to request the maintenance and training? They were there helping us for the maintenance and training with limited supplies? They never let go, they worked hard and professionally helped us endermologie® colleagues in anyway, fulfilling our needs. We are grateful for their existence and appreciate their services and help. Thank you and congratulation on being the LPG distributor of US.

Feb 11 2014 11:22 AM Location : Reston VA

We just purchased 2 CelluM6 Integral in January– the latest endermologie® machines have brought us a lot of excitement. Robert and Tristan were very nice. They patiently and professionally explained to us the differences between the Keymodule and the Integral technical side. Gretchen is always the expert of endermologie® treatments, her expertise and health wellness knowledge led us through the training in treatment protocols as always. We always knew we would eventually upgrade the machines because we want to be the best, but they are the best team! Do you remember when there was no place for us, the endermologie® practitioner, to request the maintenance and training? They were there helping us for the maintenance and training with limited supplies? They never let go, they worked hard and professionally helped us endermologie® colleagues in anyway, fulfilling our needs. We are grateful for their existence and appreciate their services and help. Thank you and congratulation on being the LPG distributor of US.