Tag Archives: Best Cellulite Treatments

How to Get Your Body Ready for Spring & Summer With Endermologie Treatments

Endermologie Treatments for the Summer

As hot summer days approach and the amount of clothing you can tolerate to wear dwindles, the last thing on your mind should be your body image. endermologie® treatments can help improve your self-esteem by creating a smoother appearance for your skin and reducing the appearance of cellulite. So, what exactly is endermologie®? How does it work? Want to learn… (Read more)

How to Avoid the Thanksgiving Weight Gain

With the holidays fast approaching, you're likely looking forward to spending some quality time with the family. Gathering around the table and enjoying a massive feast is a time-honored tradition that warms your heart as much as it warms your belly... or rather—in the case of November—fills your belly with Thanksgiving weight! Before you reach for that second helping of… (Read more)

endermologie® Vs. Cold-Laser Massage: What’s the Difference

There are millions of dimpled thighs, buttocks and upper arms preventing millions of women from feeling comfortable wearing bathing suits or other revealing garments. Despite following good exercise programs and leading healthy lifestyles, those unattractive pockets of “cottage cheese” remain visible on the surface of the skin. (more…) (Read more)

endermologie® vs VelaShape: What’s the Difference?


One of the biggest beauty concerns for women of all ages, weights and varying degrees of fitness is dealing with the unwelcome development of cellulite. This nonthreatening, yet aesthetically unacceptable condition historically plagues women (but very few men) in the hips, thighs and buttocks, and sometimes in the triceps and lower abdominal areas. (more…) (Read more)