What Makes a Great Esthetician: Learn From the Pros

Estheticians, also called skin care therapists, are trained in a variety of  skin treatments and work primarily in wellness centers, day spas and med-spas. Depending on their level of training and expertise, they perform various procedures, from simple facials to highly advanced endermologie® treatments.

All estheticians must be licensed by the state in which they work. On average, an esthetician completes  260 to 600 hours of training (depending on the state) and passes both written and hands-on (practical) exams. Good estheticians not only complete numerous hours of post-graduate education, they work at staying abreast of the latest developments in various treatments and technological advances.

Whether an esthetician is a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, there are a number of habits and traits that are required in order to achieve a level of greatness in the field . Most importantly, an esthetician must have a true desire to help people. Setting personal goals also helps to keep focused and grow while building long-lasting relationships and a solid financial future. Below are a few more examples of what makes an exceptional esthetician.

Case Study: American Cellulite Reduction Center NYC


Do What You Love

Successful estheticians decide which treatments and services they’re most skilled at and establish themselves as experts in those areas, whether in holistic or more technological applications. To that end, choose a field that best enhances your natural abilities, offers flexible schedules and provides the opportunity to grow professionally while building advanced skills. Clients notice and appreciate professionals who are obviously passionate about their work.

Communication Is Key

Every successful esthetician puts in the work necessary to build a loyal customer base. This starts during the client’s initial consultation.

  • Actively listen to any questions or concerns and what they hope to accomplish with a particular treatment.
  • Stay relaxed and informative. A client wants to unwind and relax when they come to a spa. When performing the treatment, calmly explain each step in the procedure in a way that doesn’t require them to respond.
  • Estheticians typically offer clients a professional line of products that aren’t available in retail stores. Staying current on the ingredients and benefits of using such products allow estheticians to be sincere when recommending them to clients.

Keep It Relaxed, Yet Professional

Being positive, ambitious, and professional are great strengths to nourish and maintain when working in the field of aesthetics. Clients depend on an esthetician to create and maintain professional boundaries and a positive atmosphere so they can relax and enjoy their treatments. It’s a good idea for newer practitioners to write out clear policies about everything, including returns, cancellations, pricing and hours.

The field of aesthetics is growing and expanding at a rapid pace. New products and procedures are flooding the market and competition is everywhere – but great estheticians are always up for any challenge.

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