The Most Common Beauty Concerns For Women in Their 40’s


Women in their 40s are not only beautiful and successful – they also have perspective from years of experience that makes them more confident in their own skins. They’re not only experts at balancing the demands of work and personal life, most make an effort to take care of their bodies through exercise and good nutrition.

This is not to say that such women don’t have some age-specific concerns when it comes to beauty. In a number of national polls and studies, one of the biggest beauty concerns faced by older women is the effect the aging process has on the skin.

The Effects of Agingaging-women

By the time women reach their 40’s, skin starts to lose some of the natural elasticity that created the shine and glow from years past. This is the result of the lymphatic system beginning to slow. Lymphatic drainage rids the body of toxins, but aging naturally shows that process, resulting in a breakdown of the elastic fibers in the lymph glands.

Cellulite and stretch marks can also become more apparent around the hips and thighs, which can be the result of hormonal changes and fluctuations. Estrogen is a hormone that affects most of the organs in your body – including the skin. In addition to “dulling” the skin, the slowdown in estrogen production can also lead to adult acne breakouts and thinning hair.

At this point in life, the face and neck begin losing subcutaneous fat that used to keep those areas firm and free of wrinkles. Although there are variations due to genetics, most women tend to lose fat around the mouth, eyes, chin and along the jawline, which causes the appearance of wrinkles, jowls and droopy skin. The skin itself loses the ability to “bounce back,” causing it to sag.

Boosting Health

Common sense indicates that beginning or maintaining a healthy diet and a rigorous program of exercise are excellent ways to firm up both the body and spirits, no matter what your age.

  • Busy lifestyle or not, nutritionists agree that eating breakfast is essential in keeping weight down and tuning up your metabolism.
  • Strength training helps strengthen bones, maintain balance and avoid injury both now and in the future. A good exercise program should include at least a 30-minute workout several times a week.
  • Good hydration has a positive effect on the skin, so consider cutting down on the caffeine and alcohol and increasing a daily intake of water. That decades-old recommendation of drinking at least 8 glasses a day is still viable.

Refresh The Skincellu-m6-integral

One of the best methods of returning a healthy glow to skin is by creating a program of endermologie® treatments. In addition to being invigorating and non-invasive, full body or targeted endermologie® treatments can reduce the appearance of cellulite while encouraging lymphatic draining.

The patented roll and flap machines provide a deep, yet relaxing massage to those subcutaneous fat deposits and connective tissue beneath the skin. endermologie® treatments are also available for improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the hands, neck, face and around the eyes. It’s an effective, non-invasive alternative to fillers, lasers and Botox.

Whether these physical changes are subtle or not, they are inevitable. However, taking the steps to slow this process before it becomes a real problem is well within reach. Women in their 40′ can still feel and look invincible.

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