Plan Your Med-Spa Success in 2015: How To Set Goals That Deliver Results

The beginning of a new year is full of potential to grow. There is no better way of accomplishing growth than by setting goals. In this post, we explore 4 strategies for setting goals in 2015.

1. Evaluate Your Current Situation

Are you aware of market changes? Are you staying ahead of the competition? Which opportunities are currently available? This initial analysis will give you a picture of which areas you are doing well in and the areas that need improvement.

A common method for doing this is the SWOT analysis, which analyzes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This method will help provide a structure. After completing, you will be ready to identify key goals in 2015.

2. Establish Goals

Now that you have studied your current situation, pick 3-5 goals that you want to focus on this year. Goals should be measurable, achievable, realistic, and include a timeline.

Perhaps you want to focus on financial goals or human resources goals. Either way, this set of goals should be diverse and include a lot of areas. Consider goals such as these:

  • Increasing sales by 25%
  • Reducing expenses by 10%
  • Launching a marketing plan
  • Growing the number of employees

3. Create a Tactical Plan for Execution

After you set goals, you can plan specific tactics to achieve each one. This should be a list of action items that can be organized into short-term and long-term plans. Delegate each tactic to a team member and keep a status of their progress. You can update the progress of each item by having a weekly meeting or tracking it in a status document.

4. Measure Success

Once the plan has been executed, take time to measure the success of each goal. Were you able to meet the goals? What obstacles are standing in the way?Measurement is a step that most spa owners forget to do, but it is the most important way to know how you have done once the year is over.

Please add to the conversation and let us know how you are planning for 2015!

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